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January 6-8 at the Ojai Retreat-- the first-ever, and only, Bob Nickel Intensive


The first-ever Bob Nickel Intensive took place from 7PM Friday, January 6 to 1 PM Sunday, January 8 at the Ojai Retreat (http://www.ojairetreat.com/).
The Intensive was by almost all measurements a success. Every attendee expressed their gratitude and appreciation to Bob.  A special YouTube clip about the Intensive was produced by (attendee) Rafe Stoneman of  A.H. NONPROFI. You can find it here. 

Suggested donations by Intensive Participants were from $50 to $250. The donations help to cover many things, including Bob's room and meals at the Intensive, and his travel expenses to his various satsangs. Assuming his health holds up, Bob is wanted back to Oregon, northern California, and to Utah, soon.

The Intensive Schedule:

-- Session One with Bob , 7 PM-9 PM.

--"Breakfast with Bob."  9:30-10:15.  All persons staying at the Ojai Retreat received breakfast along with their room. Other Intensive Members could join Bob for a good breakfast (Coffee, tea, eggs, bagels, yogurt, home-made granola, fruit, and more) for $10 each.


SATURDAY Schedule, continued:
--Satsang Two with Bob, 11AM- 1PM.
--Small Group Meeting with Bob, 2:00 - 3:00 PM.
--Small Group Meeting with Bob, 3:30- 4:30 PM

--Kirtan Music with Kalidas, 6:30-7:30 PM. Kalidas (on YouTube at kalidas33) is a wonderful musician who has spent much of his life in India. We were happy that his songs were part of the Bob Intensive. Everyone joined in to the refrains and had a good time.
-- Snacks and Rest, 7:30-8PM
--Satsang Three with Bob, 8-10 PM.

SUNDAY, 8 Jan:
--"Breakfast with Bob." 9:30-10:15. On Sunday the Ojai Retreat served its special scrambled eggs and pptatoes along with its high-quality, largely organic regular breakfast.
--Satsang Four with Bob, 11AM- 1PM. The last of the four.


To reaffirm something important,at the Intensive and otherwise, Bob does not want anyone to go into stress or to feel pain because of giving him a donation. He'd much rather you come without giving him a thing. "People who want satsang should get it," Bob often says. The same held true for the Intensive.